Dec 31, 2017
The first half of our Best and Worst of the 2017.
Also in this episode:
Support your local library
Ashley does not have time for bad puns
Jamie picks every publisher as his best
Jess' drug habits revealed
Alita: Battle Angel looks like a nightmare
Poorly used characters
Jess makes some bad picks
Dec 18, 2017
We're talking about the 900th attempt at a Spider-Man film.
Directed by Jon Watts Starring Tom Holland, Micheal Keaton, Jacob
Batalon, Zendaya, and Marisa Tomei
Also in this Episode:
David Harbor Hellboy Talk
Wrong opinions about baking
Wrong opinions about Blade Trinity
Sony/Marvel creative control ratio
Do the Marvel...
Dec 8, 2017
Hack/Slash was created by writer and sometime penciler Tim
Seeley. The series follows horror victim Cassie Hack as she strikes
back at the monsters who prey upon teenagers. It's pretty gross,
and not in the good way.
We read issues 1-17 of the Image series written by Tim Seeley and
penciled by Emily Stone.
Also in this...
Oct 19, 2017
Our super timely episode about Wonder Woman 2017. Starring Gal Godot, Chris Pine, Danny Huston
Also in this episode:
Ashley is dishonest about her pornography consumption
Bad Wonder Woman Comics
Jess learns about acting
Grappling with DC comic characters compared to their DCEU
A really gross metaphor
Sep 30, 2017
Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900’s Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steampunk, MONSTRESS tells the story of a teenage girl who is struggling to survive the trauma of war, and who shares a mysterious psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, a connection that will transform them...