Aug 26, 2017
We're talking about Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey, and Jordie Bellaire's sci-fi, horror, techno-thriller Injection. Injection tells the story of 5 assholes who ruin the world because they're bored, now their first victim must seek revenge at any cost.
Also in this episode:
Deadpool 2 chat
Hardcore Racism
Scott's great...
Aug 1, 2017
This month we read:
Black Summer / No Hero / Supergod By Warren Ellis and Juan Jose
Shirtless Bear Fighter By Jody Leheup, Sebastian Girner, Mike
Spicer, and Nil Vendrell
Frostbite By Joshua Williamson and Jason Shawn Alexander
The Bunker By Josh Hale Fialkov and Joe Infurnari
Ms. Marvel By G. Willow Wilson and...